MRC Statement on the Applicability of the
IAB Audience Reach Measurement Guidelines
In early 2009 the Interactive Advertising
Bureau (IAB) finalized its Guidelines on Audience Reach
Measurement. Similar to other previously issued IAB measurement
guidelines (Impressions, Rich Media, etc.), the MRC assisted IAB
with the creation of the IAB Audience Reach Guidelines, with
cooperation of IAB members and the IAB staff, to ensure buyer/seller
neutrality and appropriate measurement rigor. The IAB Audience
Reach Guidelines were designed to be applied to syndicated measurers
of Internet audience reach (such as comScore
Media Metrix, Nielsen Online and Quantcast
for example) as well as other audience reach measurers such as
individual web-sites or measurement/analytics vendors used by
web-sites. Adoption of these guidelines is a voluntary process.
The IAB Audience Reach Guidelines were designed
to be applicable to measurers with panel measurement orientations,
census measurement orientations and varying hybrid approaches to
audience reach measurement which are all recognized therein and
potentially able to be validated through the MRC audit process,
using the MRC Minimum Standards for Media Rating Research and
the IAB Audience Reach Guidelines in combination. The MRC uses a
similar approach in its accreditation process for Internet ad
serving organizations that measure ad impressions (using a
combination of the MRC Minimum Standards and the IAB Impression
Measurement Guidelines).
Although no Audience Reach measurement
organizations are as of yet MRC accredited under the combination of
the MRC Minimum Standards and the IAB Audience Reach Guidelines,
there are several audits in process at this time.
See below for a summary of IAB Audience Reach
Measurement Guidelines: